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Veteran Admissions

Veterans Benefits Begin at Application for Admission

弗吉尼亚理工大学对退伍军人的奉献不仅仅是被命名为 Military Friendly School 在2021-2022年,网上赌博网站十大排行将继续成为认证的V3雇主. 这所大学不仅整体上重视网上赌博网站十大排行的退伍军人, 而且本科招生办公室也致力于支持网上赌博网站十大排行的退伍军人,他们正在向弗吉尼亚理工大学过渡.

For starters, the deposit and application fee of $60 如果退伍军人想在弗吉尼亚理工大学继续他们的本科教育,就可以免除学费. Click to view the Veteran Application Checklist

对于想要转学到弗吉尼亚理工大学的退伍军人, we have several opportunities that may be of interest. Simply call or email us with any questions you may have.

In addition, the Office of Veterans Services helps veterans, their spouses, 他们的家属可以享受所有的教育福利.


The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, open to all students, 一所大学的课程是致力于培养未来的领导者吗. 同时参与全职的军事学术生活, cadets hone their leadership, time-management, and decision-making skills.

Students who have exceptional leadership qualities, 课外活动中的领导能力证明了这一点, student and civic organizations, athletic teams, or successful employment prior to college, 以及有兴趣加入军校的学生, 会在录取过程中给予额外的考虑吗. However, 请注意,申请大学并在你的申请表上指定你作为学员注册的意图是对弗吉尼亚理工学院学员团的严肃承诺. 招生委员会保留重新评估你的录取身份的权利,如果你在被录取为军校学员后要求改变为平民身份. 如果你必须被免除学员身份,由于个人原因, health, or other reasons, situations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

被军团录取的学生可以通过电子邮件请求更改为平民身份, 但是,如果学生在作为学员申请者的过程中收到额外的考虑,则有可能被拒绝.  The change request should include a detailed explanation. All cadets will need to speak with the Corps' Recruiting Officer 在此之前,招生部将决定是否批准申请. 学生将收到一封电子邮件,决定录取是否取决于是否留在军校. If approved to change to civilian status, the student will need to pay the application fee, which was waived when applying as a cadet. 如欲支付不可退还的费用,请邮寄支票,抬头人为:

925 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061 (US)

Once a student enrolls in the Corps, 他们承诺大约7周:新学员周和学校的前六周.  After 7 weeks, if civilian housing is available, 学生可以转为平民身份,但必须放弃任何军团奖学金,并支付大约1100美元的制服费用.  

There is no military obligation for cadets in the Corps. 所有的学生都可以在大一、大二甚至大三的时候进入陆战队.  However, if interested in the Air Force or Naval ROTC, 学生应计划不迟于大二入学.  

In addition to their chosen academic track, 学员也有机会通过学员领袖发展项目获得辅修领导力课程. 学员不需要参加后备军官训练队,但所有的后备军官训练队学生必须是军团的成员.

所有学员(与配偶同住的大三或大四学员除外)必须住在学员宿舍,除非得到指挥官的许可. The Corps offers scholarships that do not require military service; the ROTC programs offer some scholarships that do.

For more information, contact the Commandant of Cadets

Agricultural Technology is Virginia Tech's only two-year program. The program offers a concentrated, 为攻读农业副学士学位的学生提供实践学术经验,为从事农业或绿色产业做好准备. Choose from two great options:

Applied Agricultural Management


Landscape and Turf Management

Focus on Landscape or Golf and Sports Turf Management

农业技术项目正在接受2021年秋季的申请,直到 May 15, 2021.   Check out the Agricultural Technology webpage for information on how to apply. Email if you have any questions.

The application cycle for Fall 2022 will be from September 1, 2021  - May 15, 2022.

Note: 每个申请人都有责任尽快提交所有必需的信息和材料. 完成的申请将在审查过程中获得优先权. Because of time constraints, 招生办公室并不总是可以要求提供缺失的信息. 与申请分开提交补充材料时, make sure your name, date of birth, and college name are included on all pieces. 另外,如果你现在的名字和材料上的不一样,一定要写上你现在的名字.

为了帮助网上赌博网站十大排行和你自己,请仔细阅读以上清单. The university reserves the right to withdraw, without notice, any application that is not complete by the deadline.